Walk Your Dog & Earn a Donation for As Good as Gold


Don’t just take your dog for a walk… Take your walk for a dog!

Walk for a Dog is a smartphone app that supports As Good as Gold every time you walk your dog.

How does it work?

  • Download the app onto your smartphone from  WoofTrax.com
  • Choose As Good as Gold as the organization to receive donations
  • Take the phone with you when you walk your dog(s)
  • Press the “Start Walking for …” button and the app will keep track of your walk

When you’re done, your walk is credited to As Good as Gold. The more people walking for As Good as Gold, the bigger the donation, so please spread the word.

Donations are funded by the Wooftrax sponsors, advertisers and investors. Donations will be paid to As Good as Gold about twice per year.

Your walks are a great way to get ready for As Good as Gold’s own Parade Your Pooch walk and earn donations for AGaG at the same time!

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