Join As Good as Gold as we celebrate this global day of giving
Mercedes, Tesla, and Lexus all have the same breeder father. They share an overdose of adorableness. They also share a congenital birth defect called an ectopic ureter, where the connection between the kidneys and the bladder doesn’t function properly.
Make A Giving Tuesday Donation
Dogs with this condition leak urine and often suffer from UTIs and abdominal scalding. This incontinence cannot be “trained away.” It can only be treated surgically. Lexus’s case was especially serious; her vet described it as “the worst he has ever seen.” These girls are lucky, however. Because AGaG is committed to doing everything possible to ensure dogs in their care can live their best lives in fur-ever homes, they have paid for all the puppies’ testing, treatment, medications, etc., and placed them with foster families who provided love and medical care. All three are healing and happy now – they don’t even know there is anything wrong – but only time will tell if they are fully cured.
- Mercedes’ and Tesla’s surgeries alone totaled over $13,000.
- The cost for Lexus’ surgery was over $10,000.
- Mercedes and Tesla have been adopted by loving families.
- Lexus’ medical future is uncertain as she may need additional surgeries, but she is eagerly looking forward to joining a very special fur-ever family.
These dogs are just a few that have come to us with difficult and expensive medical conditions.
With veterinary costs likely to exceed $430,000 by year end, a Giving Tuesday goal of $28,250 was established.
In addition, we hope to enroll 15 new participants in our Golden Guardian program, which allows you to establish a recurring donation in any amount.
Please help us celebrate this national day of giving by donating what you can today using the link below.”
Make A Giving Tuesday Donation
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