WE ARE POSTING VERONICA ON OUR SITE AS A COURTESY POSTING FOR RAGOM (Retrieve a Golden of the Midwest) She is not available through As Good as Gold. See below:
A young girl who is definitely a mix with some herding breed mixed in. She does well with other dogs and we have her in doggie daycare at the boarding facility along with paying for obedience training lessons. She was moved to a foster home and did great there, but the other dog in the home was reactive to her so we moved her back to boarding. She has recently developed some stranger danger behaviors – but just needs slow intros to make sure the people are good and then does well.
If you are interested in Veronica, you will need to contact RAGOM at: https://ragom.org/contact-us
If interested please fill out our online adoption application form; please make sure you fill in every required field/question or your submission will not go through. Please note that we take time to learn as much as we can about each dog in our care and our bios are our current observations; we are unable to make any guarantees on the future health or temperament of your adopted dog. Most dogs in our care come with unknown pre-rescue history and as such breed and age estimates are an educated guess.
Available Goldens for Adoption