1 Year
Fast Facts
We were asked to foster 1-year-old Rudy in January of 2021. He came into our lives like a whirlwind! When we picked him up at Partners and Paws, he came out of the back room at full speed. It took three of us to get his harness on him so we could walk him out to the car.
Rudy is a great looking dog and a bundle of nervous energy, so we knew we were going to have our hands full. The first few days were interesting, but it wasn’t long before we could see the potential in him. Introducing him to the yard, we began with the use of a long lead. He never got too far, always coming back after tossing snow and his favorite toy ball, as he really wanted to be near us. After one week, we invited a trainer friend of ours over to observe his behavior.
She worked with him and us and was very pleased with what she saw. I would say that we fell for him during our second week of training. It was then we realized he was going to be a “foster failure.” The more we worked with Rudy it became clear that his favorite thing to play with was his ball. He loves to play a game of fetch, and also play with balls on his own.
He quickly learned to walk on his leash and now heels like he’s always done it. On our first walk he pulled me down in a pile of snow trying to play with the neighbors’ kids; he’d slipped out of his harness. When summer finally came, he took his first trip to the lake. We were wondering what he would do when he got near the water: it didn’t take long to find out! He went right in and started to swim—he loved it! In no time he was jumping off the dock to retrieve his bumper. One of the funniest things I’ve seen happen was when he picked up a rock off the shore and started chewing on it. I told him to leave it, which he did, but then he kept going back trying to pick it up again. I finally got tired of telling him to leave it, so I threw in into the lake. He went out after it and kept swimming in circles around where it went in and dunking his head under the water looking for it. For about three days he would go back to the same spot in hopes of finding it.
He now loves to be in the yard with his mom when she is gardening. He enjoys sitting on dad’s lap at night chewing his bone. He wishes his sister would play with him more, but she would rather nap. He is great around our cats and has a couple that play with him. We love him because he is so full of life and love and look forward to many years with our special boy.
Gary & Lorie
If interested please fill out our online adoption application form; please make sure you fill in every required field/question or your submission will not go through. Please note that we take time to learn as much as we can about each dog in our care and our bios are our current observations; we are unable to make any guarantees on the future health or temperament of your adopted dog. Most dogs in our care come with unknown pre-rescue history and as such breed and age estimates are an educated guess.
Available Goldens for Adoption