Maya came to AGaG last May having lost her vision due to an onset of diabetes. AGaG took Maya through cataract surgery which instantly restored her vision. Her fosters, Janet & Ivan Harrison, guided her after care and entered a “self-taught crash course” in canine diabetes care to stabilize Maya’s insulin levels. After 5 months in foster care, Maya was ready to move on!
Enter Mike & Lisa Vielhaber, who are actively involved in canine diabetes education through internet groups, and, coincidentally, had been looking for a diabetic golden retriever to join their existing pack of 3, 2 also being diabetic!
Mike shared some thoughts after Maya’s first month in her forever home:
“Maya is fitting in perfectly with her new pack. With 3 blood tests, 3 insulin doses and weighing food for four dogs, a couple of days went by before I was able to read Janet’s notes on Maya’s personality and temperament. She described Maya to a tee noting the attention craving and growly game playing, etc. Janet warned us that Maya was once an “only child”, but spending a few months with her foster brother, Rigel, must have done wonders to socialize her, as she is awesome with our two cats and three other dogs. Maya is very smart and obedient; we really appreciate the list of commands to practice with her.
Zoey, the Brittany, and Maya have morning energy burning sessions that include running crazy circles in the yard. Maya loves walks in the park near our house with fur sisters Zoey & Sparky. She is the best listener of the pack! We have a small backyard pond that Maya was fascinated with for the first month, but she seems to be leaving it alone now that the frogs are getting quiet in the cool fall temperatures. If the frogs are peeping, she will go in the water and lie in wait for them. The frogs are way too fast for her to catch, but they really do bother her. When Maya isn’t eyeing the frogs, she and Zoey are avid swimmers.
She is such a sweet girl and a definite people dog. I have a couple of pet friendly suburban customer offices that have gone “ga-ga” over Maya as well. Everyone likes a golden!
Maya was fortunate to not only have found your group, but also to have had Janet and Ivan as great fosters Thank you for considering us … we will give this girl a great life!”
Mike & Lisa Vielhaber
If interested please fill out our online adoption application form; please make sure you fill in every required field/question or your submission will not go through. Please note that we take time to learn as much as we can about each dog in our care and our bios are our current observations; we are unable to make any guarantees on the future health or temperament of your adopted dog. Most dogs in our care come with unknown pre-rescue history and as such breed and age estimates are an educated guess.
Available Goldens for Adoption