4 Years
Fast Facts
My very best buddy at foster mom’s house is my furry friend, Saeko. We follow each other around inside, and outside we trot around the big back yard sniffing things out in our special golden way. I have some golden-doodle friends too! As you may have figured out, having another dog or dogs around makes me feel very comfortable and happy.
Foster mom has never heard me bark. She thinks it’s interesting that I’ve been totally non-verbal. Guess I just never thought about my ability to make noise! Noise that I hear doesn’t bother me either! I’m not afraid of vacuums or storms.
I use a doggy door at foster mom’s house. It’s kinda neat! I can go outside when I wish and am definitely house broken.
For a dog who was not a house pet previously, foster mom is happy to report that I’m not a fearful golden. Well, maybe if I’m surprised by something during a walk, I’ll “pancake,” other than that I’m good to go! The vet says I’m “timid, yet very sweet.”
Foster mom says I am a very sweet girl, quiet and timid, but I love people. So much so that I will walk right in front of you and could trip you. I need to learn what personal space is with humans.
The vet also says I have “mild subaortic stenosis – – narrowing of heart outflow. I have no physical restrictions because of this. The only thing I’ll need to do is to be on antibiotics before a dental cleaning. (The doc doesn’t want dirt to get into my (“pipes.”)
Know what I really like? Mealtime and treats!
Know what I really love? The companionship of humans and being petted. I sure hope my forever parents and I share the same likes and loves.
Requirements for Kahleah: mentor dog and fenced-in yard
If interested please fill out our online adoption application form; please make sure you fill in every required field/question or your submission will not go through. Please note that we take time to learn as much as we can about each dog in our care and our bios are our current observations; we are unable to make any guarantees on the future health or temperament of your adopted dog. Most dogs in our care come with unknown pre-rescue history and as such breed and age estimates are an educated guess.
Available Goldens for Adoption