
6 Years





Fast Facts
  • 54 pounds

  • Needs mentor dog

  • Needs fenced yard

  • House trained

  • Good with cats

  • Likes her crate

Some dogs have “stuffies,” I have a real cat named Bonnie as my cuddly friend. She likes to snuggle by me, and I kinda like it! Sometimes she naps in my crate with me — she just walks right in! (Whatever, she’s my buddy.) I like to sleep close to Neely, my canine friend, too. We all live at foster mom’s house. I retired from the breeding life in November, and this is my first house ever. There seem to be lots of advantages in this new world, but it’s also scary in many ways.

Foster mom is proud of the strides I’ve made since I’ve been with her. I don’t hide under the bed anymore. I’ll lie in my open crate sometimes or meander around the house. I can also take the stairs now — up and down! I’m beginning to come when my name is called, but don’t know any other commands. Interestingly, I wasn’t bothered the day I saw people moving about next door using large and noisy equipment.

Neeley has been helpful to me. I follow her inside and out. I learned quickly that the backyard is for “relief.” Took me a little while, but I’ve also learned the backyard is for fun! I even beat Neeley to our favorite part of the yard now! We enjoy our play spot. I’ve even taken little strides at playing with foster mom out there.

Foster mom’s friend who visited some months ago and then more recently, mentioned that I smile more and seem to be happier.  She was amazed that I accepted a treat right out of her hand — my pleasure! All of us-dogs and humans — visited together in the shade of the backyard; I liked that!

Still, people should know that I am timid about many things. I accept having a leash put on me, but I don’t want to go for walks. I’m not excited about getting into a car, but it’s easier if Neely is with me. I’m comfortable with foster mom and the lady visitor who gave me the treat, but admittedly I am hesitant with most people; I am more shy with men. And I haven’t been observed around children.

I don’t counter surf, bark or dig. I have chewed on rugs (never ingesting them), but mom replaced them with chewable bones — she’s smart! I haven’t chewed on a rug in a while now.

Oh, I don’t have a tail. No one knows why. But, my heart beats a peaceful and loving tune when I’m content and happy, which is happening more and more these days!

  • Be at least 23 years of age

  • No children under 6 years of age living in your home

  • We primarily adopt goldens to families living within Illinois, Northwest Indiana, and the southern most counties of Wisconsin

  • If you do not own your residence or live in a condo, you will need a letter from your landlord or property management company

  • Provide excellent vet care for your dog(s)

  • Do not use an invisible fence

  • Are not over your town/county's pet limit

  • Have the knowledge and agreement of all adults living in the household

  • Be prepared to make a lifetime commitment

  • QUESTIONS ABOUT OUR POLICIES? All your answers in our Frequently Asked Questions section.

If interested please fill out our online adoption application form; please make sure you fill in every required field/question or your submission will not go through. Please note that we take time to learn as much as we can about each dog in our care and our bios are our current observations; we are unable to make any guarantees on the future health or temperament of your adopted dog. Most dogs in our care come with unknown pre-rescue history and as such breed and age estimates are an educated guess.

Available Goldens for Adoption