
Why doesn’t anyone want me? I’ve been in my foster home for over four years. That’s over 28 dog years! I’ve watched lots of foster dogs come and go over the years, but I continue to patiently wait to be invited to join a forever family. I’m now considered a senior citizen and need my own home more than ever.

I am not 100% Golden Retriever which may deter some people who are looking for the “perfect specimen”. In spite of my mixed heritage, I think I am pretty cute with my beautiful coloring and ears that epitomize my curious nature.  I am very smart and learned basic commands at obedience school including sit, stay, down and leave it. I love to play in our fenced yard and look forward to making angels in the snow. I am a very serene passenger in the car and watch out the windows or settle down for a snooze if the journey gets too long. Leash walks are always fun and I only pull a little when I wear my harness. My stuffed animals are safe with me and I gently carry them around never harming my prized possessions, but I do enjoy a good chew on a deer antler or Nyla bone. Cuddles are great at a time and place of my choosing, but I am watchful when someone touches my tail.

I have a little problem with something that is called Degenerative Eye Disease. The good news is that my eye doctor says it not progressive and my vision has not changed while in foster care. I occasionally have difficulty locating toys that are thrown for me, but my sensitive sniffer finds any tossed treats in a jiffy. My night vision is finite. When I meet new people, I sometimes feel a little anxious. I need to be introduced to them slowly with plenty of treats and words of encouragement and then we’re best friends after that.  I take a little pill every day to help me feel less stressed in new unpredictable situations.

My dream forever home would be to live in a quiet adult household with a rather low activity level. I like most non-confrontational dogs, but I am not crazy about cats or other small critters because it would be difficult for me to control my urge to chase them! How can you resist a girl who would never dream of getting on the furniture or your bed? I prefer to relax in my crate during my daytime quiet time or overnight. I am well trained but will probably never be a social butterfly when out and about.  I will, however, be a loving companion to someone willing to be gentle and patient with me. I think I deserve a second chance at happiness after all the years of wishing on stars.

Take A Chance On Me



10 Years Old

  • Be at least 23 years of age

  • No children under 6 years of age living in your home

  • We primarily adopt goldens to families living within Illinois, Northwest Indiana, and the southern most counties of Wisconsin

  • If you do not own your residence or live in a condo, you will need a letter from your landlord or property management company

  • Provide excellent vet care for your dog(s)

  • Do not use an invisible fence

  • Are not over your town/county's pet limit

  • Have the knowledge and agreement of all adults living in the household

  • Be prepared to make a lifetime commitment

  • QUESTIONS ABOUT OUR POLICIES? All your answers in our Frequently Asked Questions section.

If interested please fill out our online adoption application form; please make sure you fill in every required field/question or your submission will not go through. Please note that we take time to learn as much as we can about each dog in our care and our bios are our current observations; we are unable to make any guarantees on the future health or temperament of your adopted dog. Most dogs in our care come with unknown pre-rescue history and as such breed and age estimates are an educated guess.

Available Goldens for Adoption