Hi, Friends!

My name is Cole and I’m a Golden-Doodle with lots of “spunk!”  Life with my foster family these past two months has taught me the excitement of playing and learning, and the joy of family: human and canine!

I have two furry foster siblings. My brother Noche is a puppy too. He and I romp and play with ropes and tug toys. Foster mom laughs as she watches me skillfully tease Noche into playing with me. I like my toys so much that sometimes I simply play with them by myself! The other day, I found the most spectacular toys falling from the sky! They were tiny, white and cold. I could grab them with my mouth. As the minutes went by, they made a thick bed that I could burrow in. What amazing fun!

My furry brother Bauer is 10-years old. He’s more like a big brother and role model to me than a playmate. Watching his behaviors, I’m learning how to be a good pet. That’s tiring though, so sometimes, I just cuddle up next to him and take a nap.

One thing I’m learning from Bauer and my foster parents is the process of going outside to relieve myself. I’m getting better every day! I walk to the door, give a little, “woof,” and then skedaddle outside to do my business.

My first two months of life were pretty solitary. Seems I was born with cataracts and some people weren’t interested in helping me with my eye drops. Foster mom says I’m a really good boy when she puts them in. Cataract surgery is a possibility for me at some point in my life.

My foster parents say I’m cooperative with my leash and love to spend time outdoors. I don’t mind car rides either. Know what else I heard them say? That I like to “run the show.” Is that the same as “bossy?” I just let my opinion be known by letting my foster-brother know it’s time to play or letting my foster parents know I smell something good to eat.

During the night, I sleep in a crate in my foster parents’ room. I’m also in the crate for a short time during the day when they are out of the house. I don’t mind my crate. Actually, I’m so busy sometimes that curling up for a nap feels very cozy and peaceful.

You would find that I’m quite an inquisitive pup. Although I’m not tall, I have a long frame. I get so excited when I think there is something to eat or investigate on the counter that I hop right up there! My foster family is trying to help me control this curiosity. My foster parents think I’m pretty smart. They’ve already taught me to “Sit.” “Off” and “Down” are words I’m hearing more often too.

My foster parents think I would make a welcome addition to a family looking for a Golden-Doodle with a loving Golden personality. Do you think I could be your new little addition?

Male, golden doodle, born 6/12/19

  • Be at least 23 years of age

  • No children under 6 years of age living in your home

  • We primarily adopt goldens to families living within Illinois, Northwest Indiana, and the southern most counties of Wisconsin

  • If you do not own your residence or live in a condo, you will need a letter from your landlord or property management company

  • Provide excellent vet care for your dog(s)

  • Do not use an invisible fence

  • Are not over your town/county's pet limit

  • Have the knowledge and agreement of all adults living in the household

  • Be prepared to make a lifetime commitment

  • QUESTIONS ABOUT OUR POLICIES? All your answers in our Frequently Asked Questions section.

If interested please fill out our online adoption application form; please make sure you fill in every required field/question or your submission will not go through. Please note that we take time to learn as much as we can about each dog in our care and our bios are our current observations; we are unable to make any guarantees on the future health or temperament of your adopted dog. Most dogs in our care come with unknown pre-rescue history and as such breed and age estimates are an educated guess.

Available Goldens for Adoption