1 Year
Fast Facts
Have you ever had an active 1-year old? Well, here I am … in golden retriever form! Just like a human 1-year old, I’m attentive and active during most of my waking hours!
I release some energy by happily playing fetch with balls and taking three walks each day. I like to carry a stick with me during our walks. Prancing down the sidewalk displaying my prize certainly draws the attention of the neighbors; I see them smiling — and sometimes giggling as I walk by. I’m so happy when people come over to pet me. Hopping into the car is a joy ride to the many parks where we go for walks.
Something to chew on keeps me busy, too. My foster parents suggest I get chews made for “strong chewers.” They give me Kongs with kibble and/or peanut butter. Foster dad puts a bite of banana in the Kong sometimes. It’s fun to toss the Kong around until I can make the banana piece jump out!
My foster family has been training me in so many ways; my forever family should be willing to continue training. Foster mom says I’m “eager to please and very smart.” Isn’t that a good start? My comprehension is good! When my foster parents say, “No,” or “Not for Buddy,” I get it. They’re also working on “watch me.” I also know sit, stay, off, come, drop it and leave it. I’m super willing to do a swap for things I shouldn’t have in my mouth.
I do hear “No” frequently as many human toddlers do. “No” when I try to get things off the counter. “No” if I get mouthy — this happens when I get overtired.
Must say I’m beginning to like having a routine. It’s a comfortable way of living! In the evening, it’s petting and brushing time. I cuddle near foster mom and dad while the TV makes noises and displays pictures in the background. The new day brings going outside and having breakfast; this is also the “banana in a Kong” time with foster dad! At night I go in my crate, and though I don’t love it, by then I’m exhausted so I plop down, and sleep comes quickly.
Being an enthusiastic guy, I sometimes play “rough” with canine pals.” Not mean at all, I just like to play hard. I like seeing children, but do get excited and jump, so foster mom puts a leash on me when the grandkids come over. We’re working on it! And while I enjoy playing with other dogs, I do guard my food and treats, so I should be separated from other dogs when it’s time to eat or I’m enjoying my stuffed Kongs.
I announce when the garbage truck, people, squirrels or dogs go past our windows. My foster parents say, “Not for Buddy.” OK, I know, I know, “Not for Buddy.”
In addition to being busy, 1-year olds can be sweet and affectionate. That describes me too. Foster mom says I’ve been a “ray of sunshine on these gloomy winter days.” I want to be wherever my foster parents are. I settle down near them; their attention and petting are pure bliss. I like having “buddies!”
If interested please fill out our online adoption application form; please make sure you fill in every required field/question or your submission will not go through. Please note that we take time to learn as much as we can about each dog in our care and our bios are our current observations; we are unable to make any guarantees on the future health or temperament of your adopted dog. Most dogs in our care come with unknown pre-rescue history and as such breed and age estimates are an educated guess.
Available Goldens for Adoption