Message from Mark, Brody’s Dad
It comes with a heavy heart that I write to you today. As Good as Gold flat out saved my family by selecting us to adopt Brody. You let us have Brody and we humbly accepted him into our family; he was a rock. Our family had turbulent times like most families do, and he never left our sides. Whether it was his head resting on a crying teenager or one of the parents having a bad day, he was always there with us.
After having to carry him in and out of the house for a few days, it was time to let my boy go. Cooked him a pork chop last night and he had a McDonald’s hamburger for breakfast. Everyone has the best dog on the planet, this was the best dog on the planet for my family. The whole family made it home to send him off this morning.
My family and I will never forget what Brody and As Good as Gold have done for us. I write this with tears in my eyes knowing he isn’t hurting anymore and wishing he was watching me grill some steaks one last time. Please keep doing the great work that you do every day and know that my boy changed my life forever.
To the best Grill Dog I have ever seen, Brody you were the best, love ya.
Message from Missy, Brody’s Mom
Thank you for the life-changing gift of our Golden Brody Boy. We had to put him down yesterday and feel as if the grief will never subside. It is pure agony knowing he is no longer here. I see him everywhere and in everything I do, as he should be right by my side. Opening a bag of popcorn, washing an apple, saying the word peanut butter, trying to cook or carry laundry while stepping over him, waiting for the hose water to become cold before watering flowers…he is everywhere.
I am going to miss his sounds: snoring, sighing, asking politely to move so he can be on the couch, reminding us he is available to taste what we were eating, the kerplunk of him laying down on the cold floor, the sloshing of him drinking water, the thump of his happy tail. Oh, my heart is just broken. I will forever miss his soft ears, the warmth of his body, the way his fur absorbed the smell of the outdoors, the smell of his perfect paws, the regal look on his face when I brushed him, all the beautiful colors in his silky soft fur. I will miss his plush bottom, the weight of his chin in my lap, the nose nudge as our family wrapped up dinner, his honey hopeful eyes, the way he loved his toys and carried them like his babies, the accusatory look he gave if we were trying to eat something without him knowing, his ridiculous attempts at being athletic, and his sweet, gentle soul.
Brody did something special for us as a family, as well as something for each of us as individuals. He was so loved and appreciated every day he was with us. We adopted him when he was 5-years-old. We had him for 6 and 1/2 years.
Thank you for the lifelong gift of my very bestest boy Brody. I hear there is a time that the happy memories will outweigh this sadness and look forward to it.
If interested please fill out our online adoption application form; please make sure you fill in every required field/question or your submission will not go through. Please note that we take time to learn as much as we can about each dog in our care and our bios are our current observations; we are unable to make any guarantees on the future health or temperament of your adopted dog. Most dogs in our care come with unknown pre-rescue history and as such breed and age estimates are an educated guess.
Available Goldens for Adoption