4 Years
Fast Facts
INTRODUCTION As told by Betsy
I spent my first three and a half years of life as a dog used for breeding. But once I was surrendered to As Good as Gold, I started to learn what life on the other side of the fence is like. And it is great! Of course, I have a lot to learn about this new lifestyle. Fortunately, my foster mom’s two dogs have been super nice about teaching me the ropes of family life.
I have to admit I was very nervous at first, but foster mom’s loving attention has really helped my shyness. At first, I kept to myself as I tried to unravel all the mysteries of my new life. For example, I slept by myself in the corner of the room and protectively circled my food at mealtimes. But now, according to mom, I have learned to be “a-hang-with-the-crowd kind of girl!” These days, I eagerly accept food from mom’s hand. I also sleep next to her and nuzzle her for pets; I even let her rest her feet on me so she can tickle me with them.
I’m also learning to be a responsible member of the family. Mom calls me “trustworthy” – but with a little asterisk. When mom has to go out, she trusts me to be left home with my foster dog buddies in the back of the house, uncrated. But she doesn’t leave food out where I might be tempted to grab it. I never have helped myself, but it smells sooo good. I’m working on self-control, and with my furever family, I’m sure I can learn to be trustworthy – without the asterisk!
I love running around the backyard and rolling on the ground; there are so many delicious smells out there! I also enjoy a short early morning walk, and I hope in the future that my walks will get a bit longer. But my absolute favorite fun thing is to fetch tennis balls that mom throws with a chuck-it. I get so excited that I playfully bark at mom, asking her to “hurry up and toss the ball, already!” Sometimes I don’t bring the ball all the way back, so mom and I play a little game – she calls it training. After I retrieve the ball and drop it, she makes me roll the ball closer to her and touch her fingers before she will throw it again. I’m happy to get a little loving from her, and mom is happy that I listen to her. She’s really proud of my progress and says I’m ready for my furever family. Let’s talk!
- Still exhibits some shy, nervous behavior; startles easily but recovers quickly.
- Increasingly curious about and trusting of people.
- Has not demonstrated any aggressive behavior.
- Hesitant to get into car (but exits easily).
- Shows interest in food on counter (but has never counter surfed).
- Tested positive for heartworm. Has successfully completed treatment but will need to be re-tested early 2024.
- Anxiety was successfully treated with Gabapentin. Should anxiety return, she may benefit from additional doses.
- Betsy came to us with pretty dirty ears, which the vet cleaned. Weekly cleanings will be necessary for a while.
- Needs to learn basic commands; training classes recommended.
- Plays well with other dogs but can be protective of toys.
- Exercise was limited during heartworm treatment, but activity level is increasing.
- Comfort level with children and cats is unknown.
If interested please fill out our online adoption application form; please make sure you fill in every required field/question or your submission will not go through. Please note that we take time to learn as much as we can about each dog in our care and our bios are our current observations; we are unable to make any guarantees on the future health or temperament of your adopted dog. Most dogs in our care come with unknown pre-rescue history and as such breed and age estimates are an educated guess.
Available Goldens for Adoption