
Looking for a handsome giant of a guy with a big block head? That’s me! I’m Bauer!

When I first arrived at my foster home, I wasn’t sure how to play. With my canine foster brother Max’s help, I learned what a great game fetch can be, but I don’t always obey the “drop it” command. Flipping my stuffed animals in the air and chewing scrumptious big beef bones are pleasures that are new to me too. I am very generous with my favorite things and am always willing to share.  Life is much more exciting now that I have so many interests to keep me busy.

I don’t have an aggressive bone in my body, but I will bark at squirrels, rabbits and cats I see in the distance.  I’m not sure how I feel about meeting a c.a.t. face-to-face though.  For a big guy, I have a very sensitive nature.  Whenever I am criticized or admonished for any reason, I plop down and hang my head in shame.  Although it seldom happens, there is no need to raise your voice for me to realize when you are disappointed in me.

I’ve been working on strengthening my back legs and upper body.   The veterinarian said I may have mild hip dysplasia.  He gave me some medicine for pain and said I needed to lose some weight and get more exercise to improve my mobility and help me slim down. I love my walks and don’t pull, but I meander a bit so I don’t miss any good scents. Slowly I am increasing my walking distance.  Foster Mom feeds me quality grain-free food and lots of healthy treats which have helped me get my weight down to eighty-seven pounds! Sometimes I have trouble keeping traction on bare floors and I don’t like to climb or descend stairs.   I am a little nervous that the weakness in my legs will cause me to fall. I also might be just slightly stubborn about trying harder!  Hopefully, with good nutrition, weight loss and maybe some swimming therapy, I will increase my muscle strength and become more “stair confident.”  For now, until I become more physically fit, I would be most comfortable and content in a home with carpeted floors and very few stairs.

My foster mom says I am a Velcro Golden because I stick to her wherever she goes.  She thinks I am adorable when I rest my head on her lap and look at her with my soulful eyes. I get very excited when she comes home after five minutes or five hours. I will grab any shoe I can find and prance around her with my enthusiastic greeting. I might hide it, but never leave a tooth mark on anything I pick up. I am also very intelligent and have learned lots of new obedience commands.

I am looking for a forever family who will help me continue my physical transformation and enjoy the sweet side of me who loves nothing better than to cuddle and snuggle with the humans I love.


6 Years Old

  • Be at least 23 years of age

  • No children under 6 years of age living in your home

  • We primarily adopt goldens to families living within Illinois, Northwest Indiana, and the southern most counties of Wisconsin

  • If you do not own your residence or live in a condo, you will need a letter from your landlord or property management company

  • Provide excellent vet care for your dog(s)

  • Do not use an invisible fence

  • Are not over your town/county's pet limit

  • Have the knowledge and agreement of all adults living in the household

  • Be prepared to make a lifetime commitment

  • QUESTIONS ABOUT OUR POLICIES? All your answers in our Frequently Asked Questions section.

If interested please fill out our online adoption application form; please make sure you fill in every required field/question or your submission will not go through. Please note that we take time to learn as much as we can about each dog in our care and our bios are our current observations; we are unable to make any guarantees on the future health or temperament of your adopted dog. Most dogs in our care come with unknown pre-rescue history and as such breed and age estimates are an educated guess.

Available Goldens for Adoption