Andy Square

I am not sure how it happened, but I found myself all alone, homeless and hungry. The nice people at the animal shelter fed me and gave me a warm place to sleep.   They called me a stray!  As Good as Gold then took me to a wonderful foster home where I could live until I found a new family.

I can’t remember my birthday, but I am about 10 or 12 years old. I think that I look and act much younger!  I am very healthy except for sore knees that don’t always cooperate with what I want to do.  I’m taking a little pill now that helps my joints and some medicine for my arthritis pain.  I feel much better and have some bounce in my step although I still need a little boost getting into my foster mom’s SUV.

Foster mom says I have something called “selective hearing.”  Sometimes if I’m not interested in coming when she calls me, I just head off in the opposite direction.  But, if she shakes my leash I know that a walk is being planned and I answer her call right away.  That’s not being “selective”, that’s being smart! I am also very friendly to everyone I meet and I love living and playing with my two foster fur siblings.

Are you looking for a sweet guy to make your family complete?  I am the perfect choice!  I don’t pull on the leash, chew things I shouldn’t, need a lot of exercise or constant oversight like a youngster does.  I will be content to take leisurely walks beside you, explore the yard for interesting smells, go for car rides and relax at your feet.  As long as we’re close together, my life and yours will be dog gone good.


10-12 Years Old

  • Be at least 23 years of age

  • No children under 6 years of age living in your home

  • We primarily adopt goldens to families living within Illinois, Northwest Indiana, and the southern most counties of Wisconsin

  • If you do not own your residence or live in a condo, you will need a letter from your landlord or property management company

  • Provide excellent vet care for your dog(s)

  • Do not use an invisible fence

  • Are not over your town/county's pet limit

  • Have the knowledge and agreement of all adults living in the household

  • Be prepared to make a lifetime commitment

  • QUESTIONS ABOUT OUR POLICIES? All your answers in our Frequently Asked Questions section.

If interested please fill out our online adoption application form; please make sure you fill in every required field/question or your submission will not go through. Please note that we take time to learn as much as we can about each dog in our care and our bios are our current observations; we are unable to make any guarantees on the future health or temperament of your adopted dog. Most dogs in our care come with unknown pre-rescue history and as such breed and age estimates are an educated guess.

Available Goldens for Adoption