I may be ten years old, but there’s no way I consider myself a senior citizen! I have energy to spare when I chase tennis balls, although I must admit that I need some convincing to give them back to the pitcher. Chasing squirrels and rabbits is great fun and I am surprisingly fast. I also get very excited when I see my leash. Since I wasn’t taken for walks by my former owners, I need some practice to learn not to pull. I don’t react negatively when I see other dogs or strangers on our adventures because there are too many good scents out there to enjoy.
I don’t bark much, but I do give the mailman a little greeting occasionally. I spend my leisure time chewing on elk antlers, working on getting goodies out of my treat ball, relishing refreshing ice cubes and waiting patiently for someone to give me a good back scratch. Although I am not aggressive in any way, I will attack, destroy and occasionally eat stuffed toys, so foster mom packed them all away. I enjoy having the wind in my whiskers during car rides and would prefer the front seat position if given the opportunity. For some reason, I get very frightened if I am locked in a crate. Fortunately, I don’t need confinement at any time because I can be trusted to be well-behaved in the house.
I have been diagnosed with a seizure disorder which is controlled by taking an inexpensive medication called phenobarbital. My last episode was two years ago after my owner neglected to give me my pills for four days. At 50 pounds, I am working on gaining a little weight. That won’t take long now that I am being offered healthy food and snacks in my foster home.
My foster mom says I am gentle, affectionate and playful, but feels my most endearing quality is my continually wagging tail. I’m just a happy guy who is looking for a forever family to share my delightful personality with.
10 Years Old
If interested please fill out our online adoption application form; please make sure you fill in every required field/question or your submission will not go through. Please note that we take time to learn as much as we can about each dog in our care and our bios are our current observations; we are unable to make any guarantees on the future health or temperament of your adopted dog. Most dogs in our care come with unknown pre-rescue history and as such breed and age estimates are an educated guess.
Available Goldens for Adoption