Parade Your Pouch


Beautiful Busse Woods, Grove 27 off of Arlington Heights Road in Elk Grove Village is the site for As Good as Gold’s first annual Parade Your Pooch all-breed fun walk on Sunday, October 4.


The day begins with check-in of advance registrants and same day registration at 8:30am, followed by a scenic 1.5 mile walk along woodland trails launching at 9:30 am. After the walk, they’ll be plenty of family and doggie fun with games, entertainment, dog massages and Canine Good Citizen testing.

Thanks to the Parade Your Pooch Committee of Barb Beshears, Jackie Kemper, Laura Krasnik, Joe Lunn, Kathy Maciuba, Cindy Pakenas, Diana Placko and Cyndee Such for organizing the event.

busse-trail parade-your-pooch-committe

To register for the walk, become a sponsor or donate, click on:

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