Join Us for A Golden Night!

A Golden Night

Please join us Saturday, May 16 for As Good as Gold’s A Golden Night at Brookfield Zoo  – an exhilarating and entertaining evening with animal lovers just like you! Tickets include an open bar reception during the silent auction, followed by dinner and live auction.

Funds raised will support As Good as Gold’s program services including veterinary care, canine supplies, and public education. Thanks to the generosity of our sponsors, donors and attendees, our 2014 event raised over $118,000.  This year, Cathy Miller of the Miller Group Charitable Trust, has pledged a $20,000 matching gift for sponsorships, underwriting and event donations, and table and ticket sales.  Your support of this event means rescued Golden Retrievers and golden mixes will continue to lead happy and healthy lives until their forever homes are found.  Please click here for more information!

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