Buy Your as Good as Gold Wine & Candles

Wine and Candle Contest 2021

Order your wine and candles.  Our photo contest has ended and our Top Twelve dog photos are available to add to your favorite bottle of wine or scented candle.  A percentage of the product sales will add to the already $9,000 we raised in the contest, which will be used to rescue and rehome goldens in need.

Aspen Lane Wine Company in Aurora continues as our vendor.  There will be five varietals of wine: Pinot Grigio, Zinfandel, Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon and Syrah.  White wine is $20 and red wine, $25 per 750ml bottle. The candles come in three scents: Lavender, Blue Spruce and Merlot and are topped with a wooden lid etched with the As Good as Gold logo, which later can be used as a coaster. Candles sell for $20 each and are eco-friendly.

Once again, we will offer a special edition label with the As Good as Gold logo, which can be added to any wine or candle product.

Orders can be shipped or picked up in Aurora by special arrangement with the winery.

To order go to:

Drink Wine, Light Candles, Support Golden Retrievers!

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