3 Years
Fast Facts
Must have in Forever Home: fenced-in yard
Sam I am!
Dr. Seuss’s “Sam” wouldn’t eat green eggs and ham, but if given the opportunity, I bet I would!
I’m a friendly, happy, and energetic 3-year-old golden hoping to find a family experienced in dealing with an active, determined, and smart dog.
I’m not shy about letting folks know what I want, which most of the time involves food. At times I get vocal (barky) and counter surf in my determination to get treats and tastes of dinner. Foster mom and dad have been working with me in an effort to curb—no not my appetite, my enthusiasm! When they say, “Leave it,” I do understand and my enthusiasm wanes—sometimes. Treats as rewards are so very welcome!
I’m also enthusiastic about people. I’m curious about what foster mom and dad are doing and where they are in the house. When mom’s home, I enjoy lying near her in her sewing room. I lie near foster dad too when he’s working in the den. I want to be near and available for when they might be ready to give me attention, petting, or snuggling. Actually, my energy level could be described as “medium.” And a good long nap suits me just fine. When foster mom’s away and I have an idea when she might be back, I’ve begun waiting by the door to the garage for her—she’s special.
I do have my playful moments. It’s fun to grab slippers and hope for a chase. I will play catch with a ball a few times, but it’s not my big “thing.” Running laps in the backyard is exciting and releases a lot of energy. Chewing on Nylabones and watching out the window from my perch on the couch is a nice way to while away the time. I like watching the kids play outside. They seem fun!
Taking walks can be pretty enjoyable too! Foster dad says he can actually hold the leash loosely as I walk alongside him. If another dog comes around, I can get riled up, it depends on the dog. I am not sure how I would do with another dog in my new home. I haven’t played with any dogs before or lived with any. I don’t feel as threatened by smaller dogs or female large dogs. A small dog lives next door to me now. He and I run laps back and forth along the fence! I also have never lived with cats.
Healthwise, I’m doing pretty well despite mildly sensitive skin an occasionally sensitive stomach. For some reason, every couple of weeks or so I have bouts where I vomit a bit. But then it goes away and I’m good again. I try to eat grass to take care of it, though foster dad tries to steer me away from that.
I’m certainly not a dog that has to do my business frequently. And when I do, it’s nice to have mom or dad accompany me outside. When mom and dad are both away from home I have full run of the house, though I do notice that they don’t leave shoes or gloves in sight. I simply sleep while they’re gone. I also sleep soundly throughout the night.
Well, I gotta go now. It’s almost time for me to welcome foster mom home.
If interested please fill out our online adoption application form; please make sure you fill in every required field/question or your submission will not go through. Please note that we take time to learn as much as we can about each dog in our care and our bios are our current observations; we are unable to make any guarantees on the future health or temperament of your adopted dog. Most dogs in our care come with unknown pre-rescue history and as such breed and age estimates are an educated guess.
Available Goldens for Adoption